You all might remember I won a photo contest last year for the Apple Harvest Festival, well a couple of weeks ago while we were at the south mountain fair I saw a AHF brochure in a 4-H display and thought I wonder if they used my photo? I carefully took it out of the display and looked.... they did!! And I gently put it back into the display. Now, where can I find one, I looked around the fair (it is on the same grounds as the AHF) but did not find any. So this weekend we went on an orchard hunt in Adams co. and at the second orchard we found them!!!
And the Inside... there it is and even my name!!

Now, this same photo will be entered in the still life category at the York fair in a couple of weeks, maybe another ribbon, I doubt it but who cares!
Here is the link about it in January.
Oh, by the way inside it says admission to the AHF is $9.00 I can't believe it. It has been over ten years since I was even there and then it was 5 or 6. I was a vendor so I got in free.