Saturday, August 22, 2009

Living Room, Dining Room Switcheroo!

As you may know I started this project right as soon as school was over for the summer and now I am days away from going back to work. The painting is finished the switch is complete, some new (and not so new) things were bought, some items were reused, some new ideas were created.

This was the dining room the wall with the quilt hung here, now a unique clock I created along with the help of David and Breanne. More about that in a later post. The chair and a half and ottoman are from Value City Furniture.

Here is the view looking at the front door. The wall color is a light green.

The very comfy sofa from Ashley Furniture.

The Shawnee collection stayed where it was along with the old door corner shelf. Dave moved the dining room light to the other side of the room.

View from the other end looking to the sun room.

And the last photo is out the front window (this is where the TV cabinet was), the curtains are from JC Penney. I found the rods at a flea market still in the packaging. I think this was the first time I ever purchased curtains, I didn't even look for fabric, maybe next time.
I really like the new floor plan, I think this is the way it was supposed to be. When we built the house I think I switched it and now swithched it back. I never got the blueprints out to check for sure though. Well anyway, We can always switch it back!!!
If you want to go back and see the before here is the link

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