Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Packard Brothers and The Summer of 1903

James Warren Packard and William Doud Packard sons of Warren Packard

first were known for Packard Electric

then in 1899

The Packard Motor Company

click on the picture and it will enlarge so you can read it
My husband gets asked occasionally if he is related, he says, "No, not that we know of."
I might have a post about that later.

I found this to be fun, the tag reads portable camera!

It's propbably 10 inches square.

On to the car

The Summer of 1903

I am posting in small segments cause blogger uploads are a pain to do!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Visit to The National Packard Museum

edited out the wires

The front of te museum looks like a grill of one of the cars!

I'll have more pics later

Monday, December 19, 2011

My Photos that won in the Camera Club Contests

Last year I joined a local camera club and 4 times a year they have contests and here are the photos that won. They were also published in the local paper. I loaded them backwards the newest one are first and the older ones are last. After the first contest I moved myself up to the Advanced class from the Novice class.

Non Human Faces - Bug Eyes Advanced color - Honorable mention

Blue Eyed Catcher - advanced Black and White - Third Place

In Between - The lavender Field - advanced color - honorable mention

In Between the Green - advanced color - Third Place

Golden Hour - Egg Hill Church- advanced black and white - honorable mention

The Best Shot - Old Softball - Novice color - First Place

Balanced - Novice Color - Second Place

And at the Christmas Awards dinner I was awarded first place (a tie with another member) in the Advanced Photographers. Which kinda means we were runners up for Photographer of the Year!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Other Fall Snow Photos

These were taken at Hemlock Acres campground.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Fall Snow Oct. 29th 2011 - Amish Buggy in Centre Co. PA

As we were going to Penn State football game we came up on an Amish Buggy. (shot thru the windshield)
We passed it, (see last pic) And we turned onto another road, turned the window down and took a couple of shots out the window.

I took a quick shot as we passed it, but it wasn't to good, the horses head was cut off and was not in focus, but part of the buggy was good so I cropped it to show the snow on their windshield. How can they see?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

More Hats By Robin Lanthroum

They are so much fun to photograph!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Woodward Cave

Located near Woodward, PA in Centre county is a cool cave! Yes 48 degrees inside! The tour guide told a story about who lived in it and its transformation to a tourist attraction. A must see if you are in the area.

This formation fell and was moved and can be touched

The Nittany Lion

Cave ribbon

can you find the bat?

A bat, yes they live in the cave. Not sure if this one is alive.

A fossil of a squid!

Cave Draperies

Looking up on a broken stalagmite

the broken piece on the floor, broken by a workman changing a light bulb.

There was more to see but the batteries in my camera ran out.