Monday, December 19, 2011

My Photos that won in the Camera Club Contests

Last year I joined a local camera club and 4 times a year they have contests and here are the photos that won. They were also published in the local paper. I loaded them backwards the newest one are first and the older ones are last. After the first contest I moved myself up to the Advanced class from the Novice class.

Non Human Faces - Bug Eyes Advanced color - Honorable mention

Blue Eyed Catcher - advanced Black and White - Third Place

In Between - The lavender Field - advanced color - honorable mention

In Between the Green - advanced color - Third Place

Golden Hour - Egg Hill Church- advanced black and white - honorable mention

The Best Shot - Old Softball - Novice color - First Place

Balanced - Novice Color - Second Place

And at the Christmas Awards dinner I was awarded first place (a tie with another member) in the Advanced Photographers. Which kinda means we were runners up for Photographer of the Year!



    What a Great pictures, a pleasure to look at!

    Sincerely Yours,

    Tjeerd van Oene,

    The Netherlands / Holland.


Thanks, for commenting on my photo!
Have a great day!