Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Carrie's { Senior Photo Shoot East Berlin PA }

Our niece Carrie asked if I could take her senior pics while they were on vacation in PA. I was happy to, so after her soccer camp at a near by college we spent a couple of hours of shooting and this is some of the results. I'll have her soccer pics later.

We posed her like her Mom's senior pic!

My Favorite▼

We ventured in town to some historic buildings

The Old High School, now the community center.

The old one room school house

This was a slight mistake in exposure but works as a high key image

A little to breezy

Then to the Log cabin

Another favorite▼

And another ▼

Not to far away was the Studebaker house, its for sale!

Breanne was along and she took some too!

I had fun and thanks for the opportunity to practice my photography.

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