Saturday, January 29, 2011

Winter Drive

We went for a small drive to town to get milk, the back way. This first pic is the same set of canada geese only I had a zoom lens, I stayed in the car and clicked away.

On a farm near the creek was a bunch of buzzards, this one just sat on a big round hay bale.

He did decide to leave...

Venturing on a different back road we found this barn and you will be able to see it in the background in some photos with the horses.

This is my fav! ▼

These horses really wanted there pictures taken!
See the old barn far back in this photo.

Their ears were perked! And I love that they have no halters on!

There was a total of 4 but the one was shy or very hungry.

This horse jumped a little when he heard the click of the shutter!

Yet on another road.

Just down from the old car was a sunflower field, I found this most unusal as to why they wern't harveted. But anyway I will venture back that way to see if they plant them again.
Just off of Fish and Game road, on Brough Lane.

The Conewago creek in East Berlin

Thats about it, for the snoow on Jan 27th 2011
I will have some of these posted again with special effects as time permits.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the shots of the flying bird and the horses... and the sunflowers... so pretty!


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Have a great day!