Friday, August 13, 2010

Wyalusing, PA

We followed Breanne and Bear to visit Wyalusing and the Reinhart cottage. The northern part of the Susquehanna river.

After we arrived we walked down to the river, and Bear pointed out the Blue Heron and then we spotted another one.

Breanne spied this bird and said, "Is that an Eagle?" I snapped a couple and sure enough it was. These 2 photos are cropped really tight. This is the first Eagle I ever saw in the wild

Matt and Kate taking stuff over to the island for their overnight stay!

Since they were still all dressed up I took a couple of photos of Breanne and Bear.

This my favorite

Only got 5 photos taken before I got called paparazzi

Breanne + flip flops + rocks = ▼

The cottage

A brave couple on the rocks!

The rocks were falling so Dave held them up

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photographs! You were "almost" in my neck of the woods!


Thanks, for commenting on my photo!
Have a great day!