Monday, August 9, 2010

Packard / Jeffery Wedding 8/7/10

Our niece, Adria marries Aaron Jeffery, August 7, 2010
A beautiful day in Clarks Sumit, PA
Here comes the Bride!

The Kiss

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery

The Photos

The Parents...

and Grandparents

siblings, Ariel and Austin, (Andrew is in the Navy)

The Jeffery's

I believe these were not posed, just precious moments

The Reception


Cutting the Cake

The Packard Clan

The Get Away!

Bouquet Toss
Same picture different crop

▲Love the shadow

▲bubble bottle

Best Wishes to the new Mr. and Mrs.
I will have some with edited effects in a couple of days.

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Have a great day!