Sunday, February 21, 2010

Meet Kelsey

We adopted Cat from a shelter, she is 9 years old, declawed and likes to lay on your lap. She has a funny Meow like she has a sore throat. She doesn't like other cats, dogs, or kids, but likes people! She has arthritis and takes a supplement everyday. She gets around just fine.

Since she has had her name Kelsey for a long time I didn't want to change it. Although to celebrate her new lease on life I added Bell to here name!
So I call her KelseyBell

You can read more about her past here-
This link does not work, but it will get you
Here Is Her Story
Kelsey was going to be put to sleep because her family couldn't deal with her urinary tract infection. A Lab Tech was at the vets that day and halted the euthanization telling about a shelter that would take her. The lab tech called the shelter and was treated for her UTI and was living at he shelter for about 4 months.

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