Monday, September 21, 2009

Three Blues!

The York Fair is over and I picked up my photos today.
I had five entries and 3 won a first place ribbon!
Balanced Apple - 1st in the still life category

Santa Monica Sunset - 1st in the sunrise/sunset category

Three Doors Blue - 1st in the B&W special effects

4th of July Fireworks nothing in the Night photography category

Into the Light - nothing in the B&W landscape
( It is still my all time favorite picture I ever have taken)


  1. Congrats! I got to say the tunnel is also my favorite.

  2. Congratulations! Sounds like you did very well at the fair!

    I know you are probably on your very quiet ride home from the Penn State game. I hope you get dry real quick!

  3. Thanks everyone for your thoughts on my fair photos!


Thanks, for commenting on my photo!
Have a great day!