Monday, September 21, 2009

Three Blues!

The York Fair is over and I picked up my photos today.
I had five entries and 3 won a first place ribbon!
Balanced Apple - 1st in the still life category

Santa Monica Sunset - 1st in the sunrise/sunset category

Three Doors Blue - 1st in the B&W special effects

4th of July Fireworks nothing in the Night photography category

Into the Light - nothing in the B&W landscape
( It is still my all time favorite picture I ever have taken)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009


I updated the photos from Penn State season opener if anyone wants to see more photos.
I won't be taking the camera to every game so I won't bore everyone. Also, coming soon, I have more photos from our trip to the Flight 93 memorial not related to the crash. The results from my York Fair photo entries. And other random shots, hopefully this computer will hold up it is getting very tired....

One more thing, I added a new feature to my blog everyone can give ther opinion to my posts with one "click" so if you want click if you like the post , if you think it is funny or it is cool. Have fun!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pa Ren Faire

I had always wanted to go to the Renaissance faire, so I got the chance this past Sunday. Breanne had free passes and we all 4 went. I really liked the costumes and a lot of the visitors also dressed up. There was lots of shows, to many to see, so that was disappointing. It was designed for you to go back again. But for me once was enough.

Here is Queen Elizabeth at the human chess game.

The jousting show

Ring spearing! I did that when I was young at horse shows!

The end of one show that we missed...

Friday, September 11, 2009

Flight 93 Memorial - 2009

This past Monday, Labor Day we went to Shanksville, Pa to see the Flight 93 Memorial. Approximately 2 and a half hour drive from our house.

Many memorials were placed on this small but meaningful place. The above memorial has all the names of the victims of Flight 93. In the background, at the top of the photo you will see a line of trees, this is where the plane crashed on 9.11.01

A closer view of the site you can see in the photo of a white square is a flag. It is hanging on a fence that surrounds the crash site. A closer view

A wall that is covered in small tokens of remembrance. The benches which face the crash site also has the names of the victims on them.

Another memorial with small tokens.

A fresh flower arrangement

This is the view from the benches. The angels, representing the heroes.
Although it may look like there wasn't many people there, it was, a Park Ranger was talking about the that day and other the recovery of what was found of the plane and I was taking the photos. Some of the photos can be made larger by clicking on them.

As we were leaving, this was another angle of the crash site.

We Will Never Forget

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Joe and The Boys

It's that time of year again!!! Penn State season opener with Akron.
Breanne took the photos before the game started using my camera.

No. 2 Chaz Powell (catching the ball) from Susquehannock High School, we watched him play in high school when Breanne worked for the marching band there.

Zip the Kangaroo mascot for Akron.

The drum major flip!

The game begins!

Then I captured the first touchdown of the new season!

"We Want The Lion" student sections yells!
Fun stuff is always happening during the breaks in the game!

The Cowbell Man!

The halftime show was of course a tribute to MJ and the Lion doing Thriller.

Curt Warner inducted into the Hall of Fame

More Cowbell!
In my sisters section of the stadium! haha! NK

Second string QB passes!

We win 31-7
After the game we went downtown and when we came back past the stadium QB Darryl Clark was outside signing autographs, this girl was so excited!