The sweep team, coming back to the campground after making sure all the riders were off the route, they offer there assistance if any rider needs help.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
PaTRA Dual Sport - 15th Annual and Final Ride
June 2010 Update, I have been noticing people goggling Patra Dual Sport, just to let everyone know there will be a dual sport this year, 2010 under a new director. e-mail me if you want more info, it will be from Seven Mountains campground that is under new management also, the camping rates are higher. e-mail please put dual sport in subject line
The back of the t-shirt, my brother has been organizing this dual sport for 15 years and has decided it is more work and less fun every year. It may continue if another member of the Pennsylvania Trail Riders (PaTRA) wants to take over.
Registration at the Seven Mountains Campground, we only had 112 riders this year.
My brother, ready to inspect riders before they start the ride in the Bald Eagle State Forrest. This is just one of the many jobs he does for the ride, before hand he does paper work for AMA, meets with Forrest Rangers, mapping the route turn by turn.
Some other members ready to go on the pre-ride to make sure the route is still properly marked.
Bikes at the lunch stop.
Half way through the ride we provide a lunch for the riders, this year it was catered, other years members made and served a lunch.
The Pavilion, the last several years the Forrester reserved the pavilion for the lunch stop.
A rider trying to fix a flat tire. That rock has seen many a motorcycle!

The sweep team, coming back to the campground after making sure all the riders were off the route, they offer there assistance if any rider needs help.
The sweep team, coming back to the campground after making sure all the riders were off the route, they offer there assistance if any rider needs help.
Oh Deb, I almost didn't recognize you with your new pic! I dated a motor cross racer when a teen so your photos brought back some memories! He was a big dare devil! It looks like a great time was had by all! I just set my camera on auto everything! LOL! Not a technical person at all unfortunately! Luanne