Sunday, March 22, 2009

Scenic Sunday

This ws taken fall of 2007 in Bald Eagle State Forrest, PA. We rode the motorcycles to or as close as we could and walked the rest of the way. It is an old swamp, Dave thinks it was a beaver dam at one time.

Scenic Sunday


  1. this is very pretty. i love seeing the sky on the water.

  2. Now that's a perfect Scenic Sunday view!!! I love the mountains, clouds, & reflections in the water!!!

  3. That is really what scenic sunday is all about. What a stunning landscape

  4. Oh my. The trees look like they're lining up for you to photograph them. Smallest in front. Tallest in back. Perhaps a little rebel lying down in front making a silly face. And they picked a great spot for their group photo.

  5. This is so beautiful! It looks like a dream. I hope you saw lots of Bald Eagles too.

  6. what a beautiful SS entry! i love the sky's reflection on the water, this photo is definitely postcard-worthy. thanks for visiting my site earlier =)

  7. What a lovely reflective photo!
    Hugs and blessings,

  8. Beautiful scenery and great reflections


Thanks, for commenting on my photo!
Have a great day!