Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Another Blog Give Away

I just recieved an e-mail that I won a necklace at another blog! Can you believe it! Check out Jackie's blog, there is still time to win other prizes she is giving away, check it out! You can e-mail her to enter.


Monday, March 30, 2009


A mallard duck walking in my neighbors yard.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sepia Scenes - Call Me

For this weeks sepia scene I chose a photo I took in California, at a outdoor museum for a gas station. This was taken thru a window of an gas station office.

Monday, March 23, 2009

First Sign of Spring

The crocus is blooming in the flower bed.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Scenic Sunday

This ws taken fall of 2007 in Bald Eagle State Forrest, PA. We rode the motorcycles to or as close as we could and walked the rest of the way. It is an old swamp, Dave thinks it was a beaver dam at one time.

Scenic Sunday

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sepia Scenes

I joined a group of bloggers who post sepia scenes on thursdays.

Sepia Scenes

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I Recieved The Bunny!

Here is the great bunny I won from the giveaway at http://thecre8orstouch.blogspot.com/
I hung her by the kitchen window.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Recieved the Bag Today

I recieved the bag today that I won from www.junkrevolution.com. The vintage fabric scraps quitled on the bag is really cute. The bag is big and waiting by the backdoor for it's first flea market!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Western Shower Cake

Breanne's friend Jena is getting married in May, her shower was a western theme and I made the cake. The bride will be wearing white cowboy boots with her gown on her wedding day.
Breanne took this photo at the shower.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Old Coat Bear

One of the bears I made from an old coat, his bow is made from an old scarf, the button on his scarf is from the coat and his eyes are old buttons.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area

I joined a group of fellow photographers from Lancaster Meetup group for an early morning photo journey to the Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area where snow geese and swans stay while migrating north. We left the house around 4:15 am to meet up with everyone at 6 am.

This photo shows the most geese taking flight, it is a little blurry but it was snowing and around 6:50 am we met early for the sunrise but it was snowing instead. After I got frozen shutter finger we went back to the car and warmed up and drove around the lake to look for other sites.

These were taken from the other side of the lake at Red Rock Picnic area, it was getting a little brighter out.

We found some wandering around close to the road.

By the edge of the lake you could see the swans a little closer.

Down by the visitors center was a pond with Canada geese, and a duck walking on ice.

The Visitor Center