Sunday, January 4, 2009

We Are Back

We got back last night about midnight. Overall a great trip! PA is so much different than LA, CA. good to be home. I'll post photos soon, need to upload them to the computer. Never got hooked up to the internet out there. Around here wifi is free in hotels our hotel was $13.00 a day extra fee. Breanne tried at Starbucks too, needed a password, so we assumed you needed to sign up or something and we just didn't have time for. I'm not sure how I will group stuff when I get to posting photos, I'l probably start with parade, game, Hollywood, Santa Monica, Malibu and other randam stuff. Even though Penn State did not win we had a lot of fans in California, everywhere we went people would say good luck, hope you win, even after the game people were glad Penn State never gave up and how the fans kept cheering them on when we knew we were going to lose. We are Penn State Proud.

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