Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Rose Bowl - 1st Half

The 1st half of the game I took photos with my point and shoot camera, read on.

The Stealth at the game.

USC mascot Traveler the horse.

The trademark floating lion, We never get to see it from the 50 yard line at Beaver Stadium. Out seats were great for the game, 50 yard line about 4 rows from the top, under the press box.

The Blue Band marches onto the field, notice the drum major flip, in the end zone. I was afraid to take my camera out of the tote bag.

After the parade we went directly to the game. We were provided with a box lunch that we ate on the way to the game it was only about 2 miles from the parade to the game but traffic as you could imagine was backed up. We walked around the stadium and decided to go in. Now I knew there was a restriction on large cameras, I did a lot of research before we left on out trip. I emailed the the stadium directly asking them what they considered a large camera asking for specific dimensions, no response. On a photography website I searched for rose bowl pics and USC photos, I found a couple and found someone who had been to the Rose Bowl recently. I sent him a message and asked him about the restriction, he didn't know of any but advised to take along a point and shoot camera. Well, Dave even asked the tour guide from out travel agency and she said as long as you don't look like paparazzi or a sports illustrator photographer. So, after that I thought I should be alright. Wrong, as I entered the security part of the gate the guy told me my lens was to big, it needed to be smaller than a credit card. After a discussion we left and asked another security where the check in area was. I did not want to let my camera there so to make a long story a little shorter we ended up wrapping the camera in a blanket we had along for the parade, put it in the bottom of our one tote bag and we tried another gate and we successfully smuggled it in!

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