Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Pep Rally

On Wed. December 31, Penn State had a pep rally at Beverly Hills High School.

Some of the football players, the guy in the back with the green tie is a York boy, Chaz Powell from Susquehannock High School. We seen him play at Susquehannock a couple of times.

More players watching a video of the season.

Joe Paterno giving his speech, Jay his son in the background.

The crowd, estimated at 30,000 came to the pep rally for about a 30 minute rally.
One thing we learned about LA was that oil rigs are all over the city, one is in the background in this photo. They are in disguise or in buildings. On the left side of this photo is a colorful tall structure that is hiding an oil rig, on the property of the high school.

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