Monday, January 19, 2009

Our Drive On the Pacific Coast Highway

We rented a car on Friday, 1/2/09. We wanted to drive on the coast route 1 also known as the Pacific Coast Highway. It was very foggy that morning and out travel guide thought it might be clear south of Santa Monica, so that's where we started.

These 3 photos where at Venice Beach

This was taken at Dog Beach, we believe it is devoted to dogs because there was a lot of them.

This is an oil rig just of the beach around the Long Beach area. Since the sky were no better to the south we turned around, we took the freeway back to Santa Monica to start out trip up to Malibu.

It was great scenery along the coast and if it were a beautiful day i would have taken lots more photos! We drove so far up and turned around about 3pm. We wanted to stop at a couple of places to take photos and Dave wanted to drive on the Malibu Canon Road.

This poor guy or lucky, I don't know which had eaten or was trying to eat a starfish. Breanne thought it might be stuck in his mouth. He did not try to fly, he just walked around. After we got home I researched and they do eat starfish and swallow them whole.


  1. Such excellent shots, Deb. You have captured your whole trip so well.

  2. Thanks Donna, I'm really glad I have this blog for everyone to see. I am happy with my photos even though I didn't take much time to change camera settings, I still wanted to just have fun and be a tourist!


Thanks, for commenting on my photo!
Have a great day!