Friday, June 29, 2012

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Birds of Prey

Our camera club had Bird of Prey presentation. I will be uploading them in the next couple of days.
I believe this is a Harris Hawk

Monday, June 18, 2012

Bellefonte Cruise 2012

Not in the show but we spotted a 55 Packard parked on a side street .

 In front of one of my favorite buildings in Bellefonte, PA
Later we meet the man who owns it, he is from Johnstown, PA he bought the car from someone in State College and has 2 other older Packards that he is working on.

 Another famous building in Bellefonte the County Courthouse, Which has been in the news this month.
 Which was being guarded with security guards,  the press was gone for the weekend.

A 56  Packard at the show
 The new interior

A model display of the cruise

I didn't take many pics at the show, it didn't have as many or as interesting cars this time. We were there 2 years ago you can see those pics here.