Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Beautiful Day At My Sister's

Her Magnolia tree just started to bloom!

Her Grandaughter hunting Easter Eggs


Her tulips!

My Sister-in-law turns Sweet 60!

Her fav chocolate cake with PB icing!

And a sweet photo with her Mother!

Friday, April 29, 2011

My Wedding Dress and the Royal Wedding Dress

What is old is new again! 34 years ago when I was 19, I designed and made my wedding dress. Today when I saw Kates dress I immediately thought of my dress, the tight lace sleeves and the upper lace bodice. My dress $50.00 - Kates dress $50,000.00

Of course these are not my clicks of my shutter, just wanted to have some Royal fun!!!!!
Scanned a wedding photo and made it black and white, found Royal dress on the internet and mirrored it so we are facing the same way and turned it to black and white then made a diptych.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday Night Gang Get Together

For around 34 years a group of friends have been getting together on Friday nights to socialize. It started after some high school friends graduated and there new co-worker friends got together on Friday nights at a place called Pappy's Pizza (which no longer exists). We recently got together on a Saturday night so some who can't come out Fridays could reunite. It was a fun evening.
We have new people joining us from time to time ...

... and the long time friends reunite!

We are planning a picnic get together to include all our children and grandchildren this summer.

Other future events will be meeting on Friday mornings for breakfast when we retire! And we plan to all go to the same retirement home!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


In Febuary she was with us one year, so I needed to take some new pics of her!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Swans at Childrens Lake in Boiling Springs, PA. We were to early for the baby ducks but the beautiful swans where worth the trip after going to Williams Grove Flea Market.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Mosaic Monday - Pretty in Pink

Welcome to my mosaic monday post with

I helped with the decorations and decorated the cake for my cousins daughter.