Thursday, October 29, 2009

Near Harrisburg

A drive by photo shot, Rt. 322

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fall Snow Around Campground

Here are the last of the snow pics from the past weekend. I took a walk around the campground Sunday morning and this is what I found.

Some damage from the snow.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fall Snow Continued

As we drove into State College, the snow diminished some and was lightly raining.

The Iron Horse Sculpture at the Harley Davidson dealership.

Beaver Stadium as we turned onto Rt 26 to go to park at Walmart.
Once we parked, a short walk to the bus stop we boarded "The Football Express"

This was taken on the way up the ramp looking northeast

We waited some around the concession stands then we went to our seats, the snow was removed from the seats but not the floor area.

Whitney wasn't cold at all!

The student section and the southeast corner, the game started before the students showed up.

The second half kickoff.

We left the game a little early to beat the crowd back to the buses. The shuttle bus service worked very well.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fall Snow Fall in PA

Our trip to Penn State was delayed till Saturday morning because of snow in the Seven Mountains area of Centre Co. We were worried about the campground being out of electric and road conditions at night. Saturday morning as we got close to Lewistown we started seeing the white stuff.

Laurel Creek just past the reservoir, you can see Rt 322 on the left hand side of the pic, in the next pic is the traffic backed up at that spot.

The traffic gets backed up because in about 2 or 3 miles the 2 lanes west turns into 1 lane. This is where the rain turned to snow.

The Mifflin Co. sign at the border with Centre Co.

The sign for the Seven Mountains Campground ahead to the left!

Here is the white and wonderful wildwood camper!

Dave getting the door unlocked

Inside I was getting lunch warmed up! I took a quick pic through the camper window of Whitney taking a pic of Dave measuring the snow, about 10 inches on the picnic table.
I'll have some more pics later....

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Almost Married

A bachelor/bachelorette party and a stretch Hummer!

What a fun couple, looking forward to taking their wedding photos in November!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Campground

Here is the campground where we spend our relaxing time.

It is small but fits our needs perfectly.

A small cabin people rent from the campground

Our Place lot 3

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Windmills in Bedford County

On our trip to the Flight 93 Memorial we saw lots of windmills scattered through out the landscape, so after the visit to the memorial we drove around to find them up close.