Saturday, May 30, 2009

Breanne's New Kitty

Breanne got her new kitty today, she is 8 weeks old and got her from a lady near East Berlin. We went to visit her and she was a lttle scared, but I was able to get a couple of pics. Her name is not yet deciced on, possibly Sadie, Daisy or Sugar. The spot on her nose is not dirt! Isn't she cute!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Last New York Pics

Empire State building.

Street Advertising, there was a lot of these people hanging around street corners advertising for Dance Flick movie.

New York Graffiti

Subway trash, no train.

Another fire escape.

I think this was or is the Chrysler building.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

More NY Photos

Here are a couple more random pics of NY

Street Vendors are all around, notice the tall buildings in the reflection on the sunglasses!

That's one big button in he fashion district.

On the subway!

For my brother -in-law!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

32 Years Ago...

...we were married.

I turned this photo from our wedding album and turned it sepia.

For some reason, the sepiascene blogspot has an error message on it and can't join in.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Times Square

Where the New Year ball drops, see the 2009 and the pole behind it! You may want to view this larger then you might be able to see the ball, it seems a lot smaller than when you see it on TV.

The view from behind. I turned all but the ball black and white.

The M&M store and The Statue of Liberty!

Can you guess how many m&m's?

Ferris Wheel inside Toys "R" Us

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New York City

Went to NYC on a bus trip with a Lancaster photographers group. A good time, plenty to take pictures of, a long day and aching feet. Here are a couple photos I took, will have others later.
These two are just outside of Central Park.

Below is the New York Times building.Fire Escapes
Old building infront of a newer building.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Scenic Sunday - Horse Gap Run

Last month while in Bald Eagle State Park, we wnt on the horse gap trail to take lumber to a sit to rebuild a bridge, this was taken along the way.

Scenic Sunday

Monday, May 11, 2009

Barn Star

A barn with a star, along rt 234 a barn I see everyday going to work. The star on the other side fell off last summer. I took this while we were driving by the other day.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day and Happy 1st Anniversary to Josh & Whitney

A family photo last year at the wedding, photo by my niece, Jody

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sepia Scenes - Old Car

An old car at a car show that I took a couple of years ago.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Modern Trials

The 2nd day of the White Rose Motorcycle Club Trials was for Modern Trials Bikes for District 6 points. It was rainy most of the day and I only got to 3 of the 13 sections.
My favorite photo of the day, it somes up the whole day!

Travis Fox in the Champ Division, he won his division.

Between a rock and a tree!

Over the rock.
Josh was not entered but wanted Mom to take his picture!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Vintage Observed Trials

The White Rose Motorcycle Club held a Vintage Observed Trials today and I was asked to take photos. Of course Josh is a member and helped get things ready for the event. Here are just a few of the 300+ photos I took.

A friend of ours, Barry Crone.

My brother, Don Rohrbaugh