Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy Fastnacht Day

Fastnachts, a Pa. Dutch Shrove Tuesday Tradition
Shrove Tuesday, the day before the start of Lent, is known as "Fastnacht Day." The Pennsylvania Dutch celebrate Shrove Tuesday by eating yeast raised potato doughnuts, which are lovingly known as "Fastnachts."
The name "Fastnacht" is German for "Fast Night." Fastnacht Day is a day to forget about dieting and a slim waistline and feast on doughnuts! It's a custom that had its beginnings with the Plain People. Making Fastnachts helped to use up the fat and sugar they had on hand before the Lenten fast began.
Although doughnuts with holes are frequently sold as "Fastnachts" in supermarkets this time of year, those who know their doughnuts will tell you that a real Fastnacht should never have a hole in the center.
The fastnachts above are ones I bought at a supermarket, but are yummy! My family always ate them dipped in sugar, we usually have a bowl of sugar and dip it in right before taking a bite!
(spell checker does not like the word fastnacht and has no suggestions!)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Before and After

After going thru some of my photos I found this before photo of a cupboard I bought at a public sale in the summer of 2007. I realized I never took an after shot of this great find. It was an old store fixture that the previous owner bought and when moving off the farm decided to sell it. At the time I was looking for something to replace my dresser in the bedroom but didn't know what. I really liked this piece when I saw it but thought it would go out of my price range. Well. I did get it and for a very good price, it really was in great condition and only made miner changes mostly to my taste.
There was some metal rollers on the bottom which we removed along with the doors on the bottom. I knew I wanted bark cloth added to the glass doors to hide the clothes and stuff inside, so I started searching on eBay and it didn't take to long to find what I wanted. It had to go with the peach and rust in the bedroom, and I don't care what anybody says about those colors, I love em!

I wanted big baskets to go on the bottom where the doors were, the wash baskets fit perfectly and decided to keep them there, it is handy when you need them. The twig wreaths are just a finishing touch.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Two Miniatures

My latest Shawnee pottery finds, 2 miniatures found in 2 different Columbia Antique stores last weekend. They are less than 3 inches tall and were less that 3 dollars each but are worth a little more. You don't find them as often as other pieces, and these two were dirty, so I waited to I cleaned them up before taking their photo.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


As some of you know, people who do not have a Google/Blogger, Wordpress, Typepad, LiveJournal, AIM, or that OpenID thing, whatever that is, can't post a comment.

Until Now, I found out from reading another blog how all people can comment, all I had to do is change some settings, so anyone can comment.

Here is how I did it;
Go to "Dashboard"
Next, choose "Settings"
Then "Comments"
Under "Comments" find, "Who can comment?"
Choose the first option: Anyone - Including Anonymous Users

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Veterans Memorial Bridge

Veterans Memorial Bridge over the Susquehanna River connecting Wrightville and Colunbia, PA. This is from the Columbia side.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Arm & Hammer Site

Back in November I posted photos of the Arm & Hammer site and a lot has changed since then.
This is the Route 30 side.

These last 3 are from the East Berlin Rd. side. It was a very nice day but we had to stay on the gravel road to stay out of the mud. We will have to go back sometime in the company truck.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wear Red on Friday

Join with millions of women, as well as companies, organizations and cities across America on National Wear Red Day, Friday, Feb. 6, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Orchard in Adams Co.

This was taken last year in Adams County.